My online name is iReapism, or Reap. My actual name is Anthony Jaghab.
I develop applications mainly for my interest or passion in a given subject. For example, creating the Random String Generator is one of my favorite projects because within such simple, uncreative, and dull. The project encapsulates within it, so much complexity and the possibility to generate all possible words, and sentences, books, past books never discovered, every thought, thing, idea ever describable in any language or collection of symbols, and finally all permutations of the library of babel. That extreme example is why I love the project so much. It's a simple program that comes with endless results and unique experiences depending on what is generated given a set of options. The project's source of inspiration stems from my fond interest in number theory. I went ahead and modified the program a lot to contain other interesting tools to help make more use of it (see the Random String Generator Page).
The project has gone over several rewrites, repositories, programming languages, and UI updates and designs. Seriously! I first began the project around 2014, maybe earlier, that was designed for a YouTube video (add link). After on and off development for many years, I continue to revisit the project by changing its design of it completely. The latest iteration in early 2022 is to convert the whole feature set of the application into a multithreaded library to be used easily for developers to leverage the power of the features in their projects.